Velsia’s flower supports and automatic bird feeders can be found in most garden centres and convenience stores. The flower supports are made from Finnish PEFC-certified pine. The automatic bird feeders are manufactured in Finland from recycled plastic.

Automatic bird feeders
The birds in your garden will love this!
Installation instructions for the Velsia automatic bird feeder
- The lip on the automatic bird feeders is adjustable and can be moved in both directions.
- If the gap feels too wide, put masking or duct tape around the central tube at a suitable height for the lip to rest against.
- You can attach the automatic bird feeder to a post by removing the screws in the base.
- Screw the base to the post using a couple of screws and then replace the tube, and the post model is ready.
- Adjust the lip of the automatic bird feeder to a suitable height; a gap of around 2½ – 3 cm is suitable. This stops water and snow from dripping onto the feeder plate so easily. The lip moves, but it is stiff.
- The volumes of the automatic bird feeders are a guideline only and are not precise volumes

Velsian kukkakepit, köynnössäleiköt, kasvituet ja taimituet auttavat kasvejasi menestymään niin sisällä kuin ulkona.
Valikoimistamme löytyvät kukkakepit, köynnössäleiköt, kasvituet ja taimituet.
Kaikki tuotteemme on valmistettu käsityönä Suomessa kotimaisesta männystä.
Tukia on saatavilla eri väreissä ja koossa.
Värivaihtoehdot ovat harmaa, ruskea, puu, musta ja vihreä.
- Kukkakepit: 45 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm, 125 cm ja 150 cm.
- Köynnössäleiköt: 45 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm ja 105 cm.
- Kasvituet: 125 cm ja 150 cm
- Taimituet: 50 cm ja 90 cm